New EZ Zone Diet by Dr Barry Sears

Released on = September 14, 2006, 10:39 am

Press Release Author = Health4UandPets

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = The Zone Diet was created by Dr. Barry Sears more than 10
years ago as a way to improve heart health. At the time, Dr. Sears discovered that
an exciting benefit of his revolutionary diet was fat loss. For more than 10 years,
people around the world have lost body fat and improved their health on the Zone
Diet. This diet is so effective that many Hollywood celebrities get in the Zone to
help them look and feel their best . and it can work for you, too.

Press Release Body = The Zone Diet is unlike typical diet plans that rely on
counting calories, weighing foods or gorging on proteins. The Zone Diet is based on
the body's hormonal response to the foods you eat every day, which are made up of
proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Each of these food groups has a unique effect on
the body's hormones. When eaten in the proper combination, these three food groups
help bring the body's hormones into balance - not too high and not too low -
otherwise known as "The Zone." This balance promotes wellness and fat loss. However,
when these nutrients are out of balance and blood sugar levels surge too high, they
can wreak havoc on the body's hormonal equilibrium, which can result in increased
hunger and cravings, and ultimately excess body fat. On the other hand, when blood
sugar levels are too low, the cells begin to starve because a certain amount of
blood sugar is necessary to drive life-sustaining nutrients into the cells. The Zone
Diet is a program that anyone can follow for a lifetime because is it based on
moderation and balance.

The ZoneEZ 2-Week Diet Plan - Fast & Easy Way to Get Into The Zone

This is the no-hassle way to jump start into the Zone Diet. The ZoneEZ plan contains
Authentic Zone Diet Products formulated by Dr. Barry Sears. The Zone Diet is backed
by science and it really works. Jump start your way into the Zone with the ZoneEZ
2-Week Diet Plan now.
520-364-3772 (10am-6pm PST)
AOL or Yahoo IM - Health4UandPets

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520-364-3772 (10am-6pm PST)
AOL or Yahoo IM - Health4UandPets

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